Author Archives: jramon34

Usando Trivy como escaner de vulnerabilidades

Los siguientes pasos son pruebas realizadas con Trivy para hacer el escaneo de vulnerabilidades de paquetes Python. El objetivo es la integración de Trivy en un entorno CI/CD que nos permita tener controlados los paquetes que se bajan, se escanee dicho paquete y posteriormente se suba a un repositorio de artifactos. Esta primera aproximación se […]

Subiendo ficheros grandes a AWS S3 con multipart

Este es un breve resumen de los pasos a realizar para hacer la subida de ficheros grandes a un bucket S3 de AWS mediante su CLI y la capacidad que nos da la herramienta dividiendo los ficheros. Subida de ficheros mediante multipart A la hora de hacer una subida masiva de ficheros a S3 primero […]

Mis datos sobre el Control Tower de AWS

Introducción Dentro de los servicios o funcionalidades de AWS uno de los más completos es el denominado AWS Control Tower. Fuera de ser un único servicio, Control Tower establece tanto la Landing Zone donde posteriormente se desplegarán las cargas de trabajo, así como, todos los elementos se seguridad y gestión que nos permiten administrar una […]

How to upload files to AWS S3 Glacier if it is not available in the console?

In some locations AWS doesn’t have the S3 Glacier available directly in the console. For example in October 2023 in Spain. But you have an option to upload files with that class with the S3 API. When you want upload a file directly to the S3 Glacier, you can use the next command: After the […]

Federated Identity Management and protocols

What Is Federated Identity? (OneLogin) Federated identity allows authorized users to access multiple applications and domains using a single set of credentials. It links a user’s identity across multiple identity management systems so they can access different applications securely and efficiently. When organizations implement federated identity solutions, their users can access web applications, partner websites, Active Directory, […]

What is IDaaS?

Webinar: Actualizaciones de productos – Terraform Cloud + HCP Packer


How to access to my files in WSL

Really easy: And we access to: Enjoy!!!

How to make WSL run services at startup

Examples to start services inside a Ubuntu box executed in WSL. Option 1: Option 2: You can find more responses in: How to make WSL run services at startup Enjoy!!!

Problems with my Apple Wireless Keyboard (2007)

I love this product. I’ve been working with it for along of time and the last week I lost all my hope when I change the batteries and the keyboard died. After I’d been changed the batteries for 3 or 4 times and I’d checked all the keys then I found the next procedure to […]