Monthly Archives: October 2016

Zerto:Resistencia para la Evolución de TI

Zerto: Interesantísima herramienta para la replicación de máquinas virtuales, tanto VMWare como Hyper-V. También a tener muy presente su solución de recuperación ante desastres: Beneficios de Zerto para recuperación de desastres. Enjoy!!!  

Install a Free OS on a Bare Metal in Softlayer

In this post I’d like to include links, videos, information and experiences about the installation of a Bare Metal Server in Softlayer with a different OS than the cloud provider offer in it portal. Why?, because in some installations I need other functionalities than the typical distributions haven’t. For Example, a Firewall with VyOs o […]

65Tbps over a single fibre: Nokia sets new submarine cable speed record

Very interesting post on arstechnica UK about: 65Tbps over a single fibre: Nokia sets new submarine cable speed record. Enjoy!!!

Problems displaying the TortoiseSVN icons

I’ve been using my TortoiseSVN client in windows and suddenly the Tortoise icon/folders icons disappear. The answer is: Had same issue, and was solved by running regedit, erasing some entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers and restarting. Deleting OneDrive1… enties was not permited, but I had some from Google Drive. You can also make a bakup by double-clicking in […]